The Risky Hours For Fat People
Jakarta, The behavior of overeating can make fat and cause critical illness that often accompanying for example diabetes melitus. Fortunately the tendency to overeat does not last for a whole day, just the hours below. Hours that can make people eat more food than necessary is so beriktu, as taken from MensHealth. com, Friday (08/06/2012). Hours 08:00 Some people assume a banana breakfast alone is enough to meet the need for power. Actually, when the morning scramble requires more power to think until the body requires enough carbohydrates so that it can remain concentrated until lunch. Alexandra Caspero, RD, nutritionist from the United States mentioned wheat bread with enough egg to fill the need for power until lunch time. Especially since wheat is a complex carbohydrate, so this breakfast will also make the stomach is not hungry fast. At 10:00 AM Near mid-day when the brain begins to lack power, some people think of drinking coffee. Although actually the benefits of caffeine risks resulting in the addition of blood sugar kada with striking, then dropped suddenly until the taste-it feels so fast hungry. The solution is to limit the consumption of caffeine so do not be too excessive, just on 1 or 2 cups of coffee alone. At 12.30Perut begins rumbling at these hours, until the brain can not think long even to just choose a healthy diet. The tendency is to find food that as soon as possible can satisfy the hunger, though in fact make the stomach quickly come back once more. The solution is to bring stock from the dwelling, which is provided in the morning when the brain still can think clearly to select nutrients and healthy carbohydrate type. Hours 15.30Lapar and fatigue are the most important enemies of some employees during the hours of lunch until the afternoon. Some people outsmart it with a snack, but not all healthy because generally only have sugar content whose impact in blocking hunger does not last long. Snack with high protein content is more fitting to be consumed at this time. 20. 00Kebagai bad habits that some people do at night is snacking on potato chips while watching tv. If you do not want to get fat fast, stop this routine or at least change the potato chips with pop corn (pop corn) made without any oil or butter. Beyond that, do not be too long upfront tv. If you are tired, go to bed because according to research, when enough rest can reduce the tendency to overeat.
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