Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Yakinlah, Kusta Dapat Pulih!


Yakinlah, Kusta Dapat Pulih!

JAKARTA, —Meski termasuk juga penyakit menular, lepra atau kusta adalah penyakit yang susah menular. Sekian dikemukakan Duta Besar The Leprosy Mission International to Indonesia DR AB Susanto dalam acara Sosialisasi Hope Needle for Indonesia Without Leprosy di Arobusta Coffee Grand Indonesia, Kamis (25/6). Sekarang ini, menurut dia, Indonesia ada di urutan ketiga negara didunia dengan jumlah masalah yang terdeteksi sebesar 400-500. 000 per tahunnya dengan kenaikan sekitaran 17-20. 000. Penyakit lepra atau kusta ini dikarenakan oleh bakteri Mycobacteriun leprae yang menyerang saraf pinggir, umumnya dibagian siku serta lutut kaki yang mengakibatkan pasien alami cacat badan. Banyak pasien lepra yang tidak paham dianya terserang bakteri ini lantaran baru bakal ketahuan berbulan-bulan atau bahkan juga bertahun-tahun lalu. Karena itu, diperlukan deteksi awal pada penyakit ini supaya cepat diobati. Deteksi awal yang paling simpel bisa dikerjakan dengan menusukkan jarum pada bercak putih yang ada di badan. Jika tak merasa sakit atau tak sesakit di bagian badan yang lain jadi ada peluang itu lepra. Tetapi, tak perlu cemas lantaran saat ini ada obat lepra multydrugtherapy (MDT) yang bisa mengobati pasien penyakit lepra. Untuk pasien lepra enteng, dengan konsumsi obat ini jadi dalam 2 x 24 jam pasien tidak bisa menularkan penyakitnya lagi. Serta untuk pasien lepra akut bisa konsumsi obat ini dengan kurun saat spesifik. Menurut dr JP Handoko Soewono yang juga Dewan Pembina Yayasan Transformasi Lepra Indonesia, tak kebanyakan orang bisa tertular penyakit lepra. Cuma beberapa orang dengan kecacatan kekebalan badan lantaran kekurangan gizi waktu dalam kandungan yang bisa terserang penyakit ini. Terkecuali DR AB Susanto serta dr JP Handoko Soewono, ada juga dalam acara ini Duta Lepra Keliling Sandra Dewi, Putri Indonesia Lingkungan 2008 Ayu Diandra Sari, Putri Indonesia Pariwisata 2008 Anggi Mahesti, Caca AFI, serta perwakilan dari Koko Cici Jakarta 2008. Mereka memiliki pendapat kalau pasien lepra baiknya janganlah dijauhi, bekas pasien lepra juga mempunyai peluang yang sama untuk kehidupan yang tambah baik, serta berikanlah support moral pada pasien serta bekas pasien lepra. Dengan melindungi lingkungan, kita dapat juga terlepas dari bakteri penyakit lepra, lebih Ayu Diandra Sari. Sesudah memberi info pada media, gagasannya rombongan bakal meneruskan sosialisasi di Bundaran Hotel Indonesia dengan membagikan 1. 500 jarum serta 750 paket pada orang-orang

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Alami Sembelit Hingga Turun Berat Badan, Apa yang Mesti Dikerjakan?

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Alami Sembelit Hingga Turun Berat Badan, Apa yang Mesti Dikerjakan?


Jakarta, Pada bln. Mei s/d Juli, saya alami sembelit satu hari 3 kali, BAB keras serta tak selesai. Agustus BAB encer kadang-kadang sembelit dibarengi darah merah, kadang-kadang hitam. Berat Badan turun dari 54 kg ke 48 kg namun nafsu makan tak ada permasalahan, satu hari dapat 5 hingga 6 kali namun walau perut merasa penuh serta tak enak serta di perut sisi kanan bawah nampak sejenis gelembung atau terkadang menonjol terkadang tak. Hanya tetaplah ada apabila diraba namun tak sakit, mengapa? Apa yang perlu saya kerjakan? Telah kontrol ke enam dokter di Mojokerto lantaran bertempat saya di Mojokerto. Obat yang telah saya minum nyaris semuanya type antasida. Terimakasih. Eijung Yulianto (Pria lajang, 23 th.) stefanuslieseXXXXX@yahoo. co. idTinggi Badan 168 cm, berat Badan 50 kgJawabanBAB berdarah berwarna merah fresh didalam dunia kedokteran dimaksud hematokezia. Biasanya datang dari saluran pencernaan sisi bawah. Sebagian diagnosis yang mungkin saja dari hematokezia diantaranya : penyakit perianal (di sekitaran anus) seperti wasir serta fisura ani. Infeksi usus. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Divertikulosis kolon serta/atau usus halus. Angiodisplasia. Neoplasia kolon serta/atau usus halus. Kolitis (baik iskemik ataupun radiasi). Pasien umur muda dengan nyeri perut, perdarahan rektum, diare berlendir mungkin saja menanggung derita IBD. BAB berdarah berwarna hitam ter didalam dunia kedokteran dimaksud melena. Biasanya datang dari saluran pencernaan sisi atas, yakni : jejunum proksimal, duodenum (usus dua belas jari), gaster (lambung), esofagus (kerongkongan). Sebagian diagnosis yang mungkin saja dari melena diantaranya : ruptur varises esofagus, ulkus gaster, gastritis erosif, kanker, esofagitis, gastropati hipertensi portal, polip. Melena yang dikarenakan oleh gastritis erosif atau ruptur varises esofagus membutuhkan kontrol kelanjutan untuk tahu penyebabnya tentunya. Kontrol yang dikerjakan bisa berbentuk : - Masukan isi lambung dengan pipa nasogastrik untuk tahu tempat perdarahan dengan cara kasar. Hasil bisa negatif palsu jika perdarahan telah berhenti atau perdarahan bersumber di duodenum. - Endoskopi saluran cerna atas, untuk memvisualisasikan tempat perdarahan. Terlebih dikerjakan jika ada keraguan ada varises esofagus. Butuh di perhatikan juga status hemodinamik untuk memerkirakan jumlah darah yang hilang, lewat ada tidaknya takikardi (denyut jantung cepat), hipotensi ortostatik (desakan darah rendah akibat pergantian posisi), hipotensi, syok hipovolemik. Kontrol dubur (rektal, rektum) berbentuk colok dubur (rectal touche), dikerjakan untuk membedakan pada hematokezia serta melena. Kontrol endoskopi, colon in loop kontras ganda, rontgen OMD, USG hati serta/atau perut, CT scan perut, photo perut tiga posisi, anoskopi, kolonoskopi, proktosigmoidoskopi dapat juga direferensikan dokter sesuai sama tanda-tanda, untuk menegakkan diagnosis. Hematemesis melena ini mesti selekasnya diterapi, apabila tidak bisa berlangsung komplikasi berbentuk : anemia lantaran perdarahan, shock hipovolemik, tidak berhasil ginjal akut, masukan pneumonia, sindrom hepatorenal, koma hepatikum. Apabila telah berkonsultasi ke dokter umum, tetapi belum lebih baik, jadi dipersilakan untuk memohon referensi ke dokter spesialis penyakit dalam. Sekian keterangan ini, mudah-mudahan memberi jalan keluar. Salam sehat serta berhasil senantiasa. dr. Dito Anurogo, bekerja di Indonesian Young Health Professionals' Society (IYHPS). (hrn/vit)


Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

Weight So-added traits to Participate Changed


Weight So-added traits to Participate Changed


Jakarta, When the Body so the added weight, the physical state of a general will participate switch like the belly bulge or ride their blood sugar and digestive system felt slow road. But a new study reveals that adding weight Agency also has an influence on a trait-ciriistik. According to a study published in the journal Psychological Science, those who experienced heavy Agency adds more easily give up when faced with the temptation (eg food), but it is more prudent in making sure every action that will be doing. To understand how the impact of fluctuating weight Agency at the turn of this ciriistik traits, psychology researcher Angelina Sutin of Florida State University College of Medicine, and colleagues from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) examined data from two large studies class in Baltimore, USA. We know so much role ciriistik features an added weight on His body. What we do not know is whether the heavy turnover this important agency associated with the turn of the characteristics of our core ciriistik. It's just his own Body weight is an emotional gossip; until we suspect when added weight can cause the Agency at the turn of the psychological benefits over the longer term, Sutin said. Researchers involved 1. The 900 participants of diverse ages and socioeconomic levels that take sides in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (COULD) as well as the Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Activities (ECA). Data on general characteristics and weight Agency ciriistik participants also raised a number of 2 x the distance when nearly a decade. When analyzed, Sutin and his colleagues found that participants who experienced severe Agency adding at least a 10% memerlihatkan addition of impulsivity or a tendency to succumb to the temptation that looks bigger than participants whose body was stable weight-stable course. But these data do not reveal whether the addition of impulsivity are the cause or the effect of adding weight Agency, although this data with no braid bright memerlihatkan 'intimate' in the physiological state of a person with psychological state. Not only that, the researchers also found that people naturally add weight Agency also reported the addition of a natural tendency to think of miraculous cook every provision that they would take or deliberation. In general, anyone would naturally increase the tendency of deliberation on the time growing up, but in participants who experienced severe adding that tendency Board increased to 2 times more than in participants who were heavy Her body remains the same. When the mind and the body is compact, the time between switching the other one is also sure to be switched. It is found in our study, Sutin said as written Health24, Wednesday (05/08/2013). It's just Sutin and his colleagues thought that if the addition of this deliberation tendency may be the result of negative feedback from family or fellow participants related their added weight Agency. Resulting in people who naturally add weight Agency will be inclined to think of 2 x when wanting take a piece of cake for the 2nd time when they felt most people were watching the time it takes the cake, for example. And vice versa, although this finding memerlihatkan that people who naturally add weight Body so be wise in decision-making system but can not be denied if their distress is still specific to resist the temptation. This inability to regulate the desire will be a thing (eg food) could encourage the emergence of a vicious cycle that culminated in reduced muscle strength to set dianya, knot Sutin. In other words, give in to temptation today was calculated could reduce the strength of a desire to hold something going on the next day. Therefore, individuals who naturally add weight Body weight gain also at high risk because of the turn of the Board Extra charge ciriistiknya traits, he concluded.

 (Vit / vit)


Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

Want to Slim? These 4 Steps Turn Hormone Weight Loss

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Want to Slim? These 4 Steps Turn Hormone Weight Loss


Jakarta, Various steps may be done a few people who will lose in weight Agency. However, some issues such as diet may result in weight Agency does not go down. Taken from FoxNews, below are 4 steps to enable the Agency hormone weight loss diet so that you succeed. Read also: Hi Ladies, Avoid Stomach Bloating Menstrual time with 5 Simple Trick Ini1. TidurKurang enough to sleep with important way can affect the hormone Leptin. These hormones are hormones that regulate metabolism and appetite in one. If passed, this situation may result in reduced metabolism, increase appetite, and weight so getting fat due to the slow addition of cells. If passed can cause a variety of health problems such as osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, unstable mood, low libido, to regulate severe distress Badan2. Lift BebanSalah one hormone that can help lose Agency namely testosterone. Although better known as a male hormone, women can help burn calories in the body. To get the lift working baban as most good step to produce testosterone. To obtain optimal results the content of testosterone, can malakukan sepreti movement squats, deadlifts, pull-ups as well. 3. Consume food ProteinKonsumsilah foods high in protein, fat, and complex carbohydrates daily. The move could help improve the majority of hormones called hormone maker satiating the stomach feel full. Be sure also to manambah vegetable fat and fiber from complex carbohydrates to increase the hormones that can delay hunger. 4. Increase the consumption of food LautKekurangan thyroid hormone so the heavy aspect between the Agency increases. Therefore, you can multiply eating seafood rich in iodine are like tuna, shrimp or seaweed to increase thyroid hormone. But need to remember, when buying goods in order to notice the iodine content packages on the packaging. (Up / up)


Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

Intip Diet Berlebihan ala Taylor Swift

Intip Diet Berlebihan ala Taylor Swift      
    Jakarta Mulai sejak jadi seseorang superstarpenyanyi Taylor Swift makin kurus. Pengagum serta pakar gizi bahkan juga memberi peringatan pada dianya lewat sosial media. Dengan tinggi sekitaran 178 cm beberapa pakar memprediksi berat wanita asal Pennsylvania Amerika Serikat ini cuma 50 kg.   
Dailymail melaporkan     Swift mengaplikasikan diet bebas gluten seperti selebriti dunia yang lain. Dia juga mulai pergi ke tempat gym dengan pelatih Tracy Anderson. Diprediksikan  dia lakukan diet berlebihan dengan konsumsi makanan cuma 500 kalori sehari-hari. Healthyceleb Selasa (2/6/2015) juga membuka bagaimana pola hidup palantun lagu Bad Blood ini pada wartawan. Tersebut penjelasannya : 
Baca Juga 
18 Panduan Tepat untuk Turunkan Berat Tubuh 
Makan Cokelat Setiap Hari Buat Badan Wanita Ini Seksi    
6 Langkah Peroleh Badan Seksi serta Langsing ala Rosie Huntington  
Latihan cardio sejam       
Tak perduli dimana dia ada Swift rajin lakukan latihan cardio sepanjang satu jam.    
Banyak berkeringat  
Yakin atau tak     Swift begitu sukai berkeringat. Dia yakin   toksin serta lemak dapat luruh lewat keringat. 1 dari 3 halaman    
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Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Problem Examined After Death Mirna, Hani Select Mute

Problem Examined After Death Mirna, Hani Select Mute
 Mirna Wayan deaths Salihin (27) to Monday is still not revealed. Mirna known to have died after drinking coffee at Cafe Olivier, Grand Indonesia. Central Jakarta.
In the investigation, the police have checked several witnesses among friends Mirna, Mirna family, and a waitress.
Today, the police check one of the witnesses to reveal the death of Mirna. watchlist
, One friend Mirna namely Hani examined by Subdit Crime and Violence (Jatanras) Criminal Investigation Directorate General Polda Metro Jaya.
Hani checked twice by investigators first examined Hani start at 11:00 until 13:30 pm. While the second examination started at 14.30 pm until 21.00 pm.
When out after checked twice by investigators, Hani was still wearing the same outfit is a pink shirt. There are a lot of comments from Hani after inspection. He just covered her face with her hair.
In the second inspection, Hani was accompanied by his girlfriend wearing a white shirt. In fact, out of the room when the investigator, Hani escorted by the police as much as almost five people.
Members of the media who have been waiting for the results of today did not get a comment on Hani proofing material. Hani silence as he headed for the car which he used before the Honda New CRV with license plate B 828 TON.
Director General of Criminal Investigation Police Metro Jaya Police Commissioner Krishna Murti explains, to Hani examination because there are some questions that will be re-examined from the analysis chronological police have.
Because it's his Hani panicked when it (the incident), we asked could she not remember us show something if he remembers remember because there are different descriptions that we have, we check again, said Krishna.
Before Hani checked, Mirna friends over coffee that Jessica investigated by the police five times.
As is known, Wayan Mirna Salihin (27) having coffee with two friends that Jessica and Hani in Olivier Restaurant, Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta. Wednesday, January 6, 2016.
After the Vietnamese iced coffee drink, known miRNA directly kejangkejang and removing the foam. Both friends Mirna had requested assistance cafe waiter to bring Mirna to the nearest clinic is located in the mall area.
Mirna was then referred to Abdi Waluyo Hospital, Central Jakarta, after receiving first aid at the clinic mall. However, no sooner arrived at the hospital Abdi Waluyo, Mirna declared dead.
Laboratory results explain, coffee drunk and his side miRNA containing cyanide. To that end the police find out who the perpetrators were put cyanide in drinks Mirna.
Read also: Hani See the Important Things in CCTV footage Mirna currently Poisoning

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How to Lose Weight Fast With the Most

How to Lose Weight Fast With the Most

How to lose weight fast is certainly a sport. Because exercise can burn fat overall. The level of success in cutting fat also depends on how disciplined you are doing the exercises. If you exercise regularly, the body will also trim the faster you get.

But do not forget to adjust your diet, because no matter how hard to exercise if you carelessly consume it will be useless food. The logic is like this, you exercise to burn 1,200 calories, but after exercise you consume foods that contain 2,000 calories. Thus it happens in the body of calories and increase exercise you do in vain.

How to Lose Weight Quickly

So how you can lose weight quickly? Here are some exercises that can trim the fat if done routinely and regularly.

Perform Cardio Exercises

Cardio is one of the best exercises to burn body fat. You can do cardio exercises such as treadmills, stationary bikes and more. But what if you do not have some of the exercise equipment? Then you can go jogging in the morning or the evening. If the weather does not permit, then you can still make a run at a place in the house.

How to Make Running in Place

Running in place is one cardio exercise that also can burn body fat. You can run in place using HIIT, yaitumetode cardio exercises that use a combination of exercise
high intensity of moderate intensity or low in the interval
time (interval) specific.

Suppose you start running in place at medium speed for 1-3 minutes to warm up. After that runway speed energetically for 30-40 seconds. Once it down again with a fun run speed for 60-90 seconds. Then raise more speed, lower your longer up for about 10-20 minutes.

Kick butt

How To Do It:

First take an upright position with both hands clasped and raised upward as shown.
Then move your right leg back to heel almost touching the buttocks.
Lower the right foot and then repeat the same movement by using the left foot.

High Knee

How To Do It:

Take the initial position by standing upright with your back straight and relaxed.
Then do the movement running in place, but with a high knee lift stomach.

After regular exercise, keep your food intake by avoiding some food menu that is high in calories, avoid snacks, snack, junk food or fast food. Consumption of healthy diet and balanced between complex carbohydrates, protein, and fiber.