Weight So-added traits to Participate Changed
Jakarta, When the Body so the added weight, the physical state of a general will participate switch like the belly bulge or ride their blood sugar and digestive system felt slow road. But a new study reveals that adding weight Agency also has an influence on a trait-ciriistik. According to a study published in the journal Psychological Science, those who experienced heavy Agency adds more easily give up when faced with the temptation (eg food), but it is more prudent in making sure every action that will be doing. To understand how the impact of fluctuating weight Agency at the turn of this ciriistik traits, psychology researcher Angelina Sutin of Florida State University College of Medicine, and colleagues from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) examined data from two large studies class in Baltimore, USA. We know so much role ciriistik features an added weight on His body. What we do not know is whether the heavy turnover this important agency associated with the turn of the characteristics of our core ciriistik. It's just his own Body weight is an emotional gossip; until we suspect when added weight can cause the Agency at the turn of the psychological benefits over the longer term, Sutin said. Researchers involved 1. The 900 participants of diverse ages and socioeconomic levels that take sides in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (COULD) as well as the Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Activities (ECA). Data on general characteristics and weight Agency ciriistik participants also raised a number of 2 x the distance when nearly a decade. When analyzed, Sutin and his colleagues found that participants who experienced severe Agency adding at least a 10% memerlihatkan addition of impulsivity or a tendency to succumb to the temptation that looks bigger than participants whose body was stable weight-stable course. But these data do not reveal whether the addition of impulsivity are the cause or the effect of adding weight Agency, although this data with no braid bright memerlihatkan 'intimate' in the physiological state of a person with psychological state. Not only that, the researchers also found that people naturally add weight Agency also reported the addition of a natural tendency to think of miraculous cook every provision that they would take or deliberation. In general, anyone would naturally increase the tendency of deliberation on the time growing up, but in participants who experienced severe adding that tendency Board increased to 2 times more than in participants who were heavy Her body remains the same. When the mind and the body is compact, the time between switching the other one is also sure to be switched. It is found in our study, Sutin said as written Health24, Wednesday (05/08/2013). It's just Sutin and his colleagues thought that if the addition of this deliberation tendency may be the result of negative feedback from family or fellow participants related their added weight Agency. Resulting in people who naturally add weight Agency will be inclined to think of 2 x when wanting take a piece of cake for the 2nd time when they felt most people were watching the time it takes the cake, for example. And vice versa, although this finding memerlihatkan that people who naturally add weight Body so be wise in decision-making system but can not be denied if their distress is still specific to resist the temptation. This inability to regulate the desire will be a thing (eg food) could encourage the emergence of a vicious cycle that culminated in reduced muscle strength to set dianya, knot Sutin. In other words, give in to temptation today was calculated could reduce the strength of a desire to hold something going on the next day. Therefore, individuals who naturally add weight Body weight gain also at high risk because of the turn of the Board Extra charge ciriistiknya traits, he concluded.
(Vit / vit)
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